Whistler Bungee Rebrand

Whistler Bungee

Branding & Pamphlet Design

Skill Set:
Custom Logo & Pamphlet Layout

Whistler Bungee is a Bungee jumping company located 15min south of Whistler Village; the jump site is on a bridge spanning 300ft across a gorge surrounded by wilderness. The whole experience creates an adrenaline rush rarely equaled.
The new logo and word mark are more unique and simple then the previous design. The W & B representing Whistler Bungee, are combined together in a derivative figure 8 carabineer.

The word mark coupled with the logo is a thick italicized san serif italic. The italic shows the movement created from leaping off an extreme height with little more then a cord keeping you from certain death. To make the word mark completely unique the 'N' in bungee, was transformed into a basic arrow shape pointing down, to imply the idea of falling down. The new logo displays Whistler Bungee's ideology to anyone who would attempt the leap.

Whistler Bungee rebrand Orange Background

Whistler Bungee Rebrand White Background

Whistler Bungee Rebrand Leaflet Front

Whistler Bungee Rebrand Leaflet Back


Logo Design + Creation
Phone Box Branding & Website Design


Branding, website, flyers, posters, application, etc.
Awesome Place Graphic Design

Awesome Place

Branding, splash page, signs and menus
KilnArt Glass Featured Image

KilnArt Glass

Web design and development.

SIM Canada

Branding, website and online activation.

Box One

Mobile Wireless Management System.
Pivot 49 Creative Group Design

Pivot 49 Creative Group

Branding + Splash Page.

Maple SIM

Branding design, mobile site, flyers and Packaging.

Sweet Surprise

Poster Design + Advertisement.
SpolandGolf Brochure and Website Design

Spoland Golf

Branding + Brochure + Website Design.

Immagin Canada

Website Design and Development.

Terras Gauda

Wine Bottle Branding Design.

Whistler Bungee Rebrand

Rebrand of Whistler Bungee's logo and leaflet.

Epilepsy Banner

Banner used to spread epilepsy awareness.

VLAFF Poster

Poster submission to the Vancouver Latin American Film Festival.


Drop me a line or email if you want to get in touch.