Hello, my name is Josh and I am a graphic and web designer located in the Powell River.
When I first started on this escapade into the graphic arts, I was slightly more interested in making things look ‘cool’ as opposed to having something truly clever or conceptual. This ended quickly as I was exposed to good design and not the usually generic stuff that gets passed around by the majority of the populous. I have always enjoyed ideas that make your brain click, that give you that all-important eureka moment when you understand what a designer is showing you.
The whole trick to design is inspiration, this I feel can come from anywhere, but I break inspiration up into three possible groups. The first and arguably most important is research just through reading about a company or project a creative idea can take root. The second comes from other people’s design and work, which could be totally unrelated but lead you in a great direction. The last comes from your atmosphere; the smallest object can provide the greatest inspiration.